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Transportation Policy
Children in kindergarten through 5th grade, who live more than one-half mile from the school they legally attend, and those in grades 6 through 12, who live more than one mile from the school they legally attend, will be transported.  If the pass has no stop assigned, your child is not eligible for transportation.
Transportation for Private/Parochial Students
Whether you are a first-time or returning student going to a private or parochial school, a transportation form must be submitted NO LATER THAN APRIL 1st OF EACH SCHOOL YEAR.  Forms are available at each private/parochial school, District Transportation Office or online.   

Questions?  Please call 516-434-5115 or e-mail

Bus Passes
Farmingdale School District Secondary School Students must present their bus pass each time they board the bus.

School Bus - Accidental Injury
Insurance Laws in New York State dictate that any injury sustained while using a motor vehicle, including school buses, is to be referred to the no-fault (Mandatory Personal Injury Protection) section of the family automobile insurance.  It is required that a Notice of Claim be filed with the family insurance within the first 30 days after the injury.


Bus Rules

Please review the following Student Conduct on School Buses Policy with your child(ren).  The school bus is an extension of the school, and behavior standards apply equally. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Good behavior of bus riders includes the following:

1. Arrive at least five (5) minutes early to the approximate pick-up time;

2. No eating, drinking, smoking or vaping are permitted on the bus;

3. Students are required to conduct themselves on the bus in a manner consistent with established standards of classroom behavior. Pushing, shoving, fighting, bullying and excessive noise will not be tolerated.

4. The use of foul language is prohibited;

5. Defacement or destruction of the school bus is strictly forbidden;

6. Students may not go on lawns or private property where the stop is located, or litter same;

7. Students must sit down immediately upon boarding and remain seated;

8. Students must pay attention to the bus driver and follow all of his/her instructions;

9. Nothing should be put out the window. This includes heads, hands, arms, papers, etc;

10. Absolutely no opening of or exiting from emergency doors & windows permitted, unless students are directed to do so by the driver;

11. Students may not leave their seats to get off the bus until it has come to a complete stop;

12. No glass containers, pets, live animals, large projects, sharp items or inflated balloons will be permitted on the bus;

13. The use or possession of weapons, controlled substances or drug paraphernalia on the bus is strictly prohibited;

14. Parent/guardians are responsible for making arrangements to have an adult meet their kindergarten student at the designated bus stop. Students in all other grades can be let off upon arrival at their bus stop. Contingency plans should be put in place by the parent/guardian with their child if no one is at home;

15. Bus passes must be carried with each student every day and must be available to show it upon request;

16. All reported and/or perceived acts of bullying will be referred to the Building Administrators for investigation as per the Dignity Act for All Students regulation;

17. When leaving the bus, move away from the vehicle immediately. If you can touch the bus, you are too close;

18. When crossing, walk at least ten (10) feet ahead of the bus and look up at the driver for a signal that it is safe to cross the street;

19. Only students are permitted to board Farmingdale School District buses; and

20. Failure to adhere to bus rules may result in suspension from transportation.

By The Numbers